Life After Life After Death

Sermon Guide

Today’s Scripture: Revelation 21:1-5

“1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,

“See, the home of God is among mortals.

He will dwell with them;

they will be his peoples,

and God himself will be with them and be their God; 4 he will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Death will be no more;

mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.”

5 And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also, he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Pastor Crump discusses life after death in the sermon "Life After Life After Death." He explains that Heaven is an intermediate stop and the New Earth is our permanent home. The sermon focuses on themes of resurrection, the new universe, and our new bodies. Crump emphasizes the renewal and transformation of the cosmos and challenges the traditional understanding of the afterlife.

Application Questions 💬

1: What is the difference between Heaven and the New Earth, and why is it important?

  • Pastor Crump explained that Heaven is an intermediate stop, not our final destination. Our permanent home will be the New Earth, where God will restore the universe, including Earth, and rid it of evil.

  • How does understanding this distinction impact your view of eternity and how you live your life today?

2: How does Jesus' resurrection serve as both the means and the pattern for the future resurrection and renewal of the cosmos?

  • Pastor Crump highlighted that Jesus' resurrection is the most critical event in human history, and it provides the template for the transformation of the entire cosmos.

  • In what ways can we draw strength and hope from Christ's resurrection when facing challenges in our lives?

3: Based on John's vision in Revelation 21, what are some characteristics of the new universe?

  • Pastor Crump described the new universe as having permanence and eternality, a restored sea, no more night due to God's perpetual light, and the presence of God dwelling among all peoples.

  • How does this depiction of the new universe shape your hope for the future and your current priorities?

4: Why is the promise of new, resurrected bodies significant, and what qualities will they have?

  • Pastor Crump shared that our resurrected bodies will be real, physical bodies like Jesus' resurrected body. They will be freed from sin, restored to their original design and purpose.

  • How can the promise of new bodies inspire you to persevere through physical or emotional hardships you might face?

5: How can we live in a way that reflects the true hope of eternity and our participation in God's plan to remake the universe?

  • The sermon emphasizes the importance of focusing on God's plan to renew creation, encouraging us to live in a way that points to the beauty and continuity of the world to come.

  • What are some practical steps you can take to live a life that reflects this hope and shares it with others?

Prayer 🙏

• Start by asking for any prayer requests from the group.

• Pray for a deeper understanding and appreciation for the promise of new creation and its impact on our lives.

• Ask for the joy and anticipation of eternal life to renew our purpose and how we approach each day.

• Seek guidance on how we can be reflections of God’s future kingdom in our actions and interactions today.

Talk To A Pastor


Additional Resources

Make it stand out

Surprised By Hope - N.T. Wright

For a deeper dive into the concepts of Heaven, the afterlife, resurrection, and more, we recommend Bishop N.T. Wright’s book Surprised By Hope.

Purchase Here

Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home (Clear Answers to 44 Real Questions About the Afterlife, Angels, Resurrection, and the Kingdom of God)
Purchase Here

Four Views on Hell: Second Edition (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology)
Purchase Here

For All the Saints: Remembering the Christian Departed
Purchase Here


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