A church where you can learn to practice the way of Jesus, whether you're new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start.
More than just a place of worship, we strive to be a sanctuary of peace and unity in a world clouded by division.
Why We Exist
Uniting People to Jesus and Each Other.
We all yearn for a sense of belonging and acceptance, especially when grappling with essential things like our beliefs. Our mission is clear. We exist to bridge the divides that characterise our country and our world. In our spiritual family, every soul finds its place, every voice is heard, and every heart is welcomed.

Our Story
Pastor Léonce Crump Jr. dreamed of planting a church with a goal of seeing a community reflect the promise of Revelation 7:9. With the help of the initial launch team, 35 people committed to seeing this dream become a reality
Renovation Church began on January 16th, 2011. That Sunday, more than 100 people attended the first service at King Middle School, located in the Grant Park neighborhood of Atlanta, GA. From the beginning, Renovation Church has focused on reaching those who do not know God, building relationships through smaller group environments.
The life-giving message of the gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday services, and the unique style of Renovation contributed to immediate growth. In our first year, the church grew to 180 people in weekly attendance. At the same time, we helped plant several other churches and sent four global missionaries.
Today, hundreds of people across the whole metro and the world attend our Sunday gatherings and call us home.
We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple, and people are free to seek God with passion.
Marks (Attributes)
The Heart of A Servant
An Unhurried Life
A Soul Of Blessing
Spiritual Disciplines
Life-Giving Relationships
Committed to Reaching One More
Seeking the Welfare of Our City
Motives (Values)
Spiritual Famiy
Radical Generosity
Redemptive Passion
Community Transformation
Map (Strategy)
Know God
Find Freedom
Discover Purpose
Make A Difference
Grow Deeper