What Happens When We Die?

A new sermon series beginning Easter Sunday, March 31st, exploring what Jesus and the scriptures have to say about life after death.

Everyone Dies, And No One Wants To.

Everyone has to wrestle with their mortality. Jesus’ people are no exception. We have experienced the haunting finality of a funeral, the grief of global tragedies, and the daily reminders that life is precious and fragile. We know how it changes you. 

A confrontation with death is at the heart of the Christian faith. Jesus died, just like everyone before Him, but He did not stay dead.

Our faith and recorded history are proof that our deepest hope is true. Death Is Not The End.

No one should live every day

afraid of their last day

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We know these topics can bring up questions that are not easily answered in a Sunday sermon. Our pastors would love to speak with you to engage with any question you may have.