Make Your Commitment
Harvest Commitment Worksheet & Gift Chart
As we continue into the second year of our Harvest journey, we are filled with anticipation for what God will do as we step into deeper generosity. This season offers both an opportunity and a challenge to reflect on what it means to live with open hands and obedient hearts.
December 8th is Commitment Sunday, a time when we as a church will set aside a moment for you to prayerfully consider your next step. Whether you’re just joining us, remaining faithful, or sensing God calling you to a new level of generosity, we invite you to pray, seek His direction, and discern how you might take your next step of obedience.
Our Commitment Chart
This chart outlines generosity goals for our Harvest Initiative. As you prayerfully consider how God is leading you to give this Harvest season, use this chart to guide your thoughts and prayers about your commitment. You’re invited to commit for 12 months (December 2024–December 2025) or 24 months (December 2024–December 2026). Monthly giving amounts are included to help you plan your commitment.
This giving chart totals $4,500,000 which represents the amount needed to reach our goal of $6.4 million by 2026.
Start Your Commitment Journey December 8th
Join us on Commitment Sunday, December 8th, to take a step forward in your giving journey. You can make your commitment in person using our Commitment Card that you will receive during the service. You can also stop by the Welcome Desk at any upcoming Sunday to receive a card.
For added convenience, we invite you to commit or "pledge" digitally using Overflow, our generosity platform. To learn more about setting up your Overflow pledge, click here.
Don’t forget to make your commitment by December 31st to be part of this incredible journey.
Ready to make your commitment? Click the button below to get started.