Unable To Stop

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor Leonce Crump Jr.'s sermon "Unable To Stop" from the series “The Jesus Revolution” delves into Acts chapter four, focusing on the courage of Peter and John when faced with opposition for preaching about Jesus. The sermon draws parallels between their boldness and that of Rosa Parks, illustrating the power of standing up against injustice. Believers are encouraged to be so passionate about Jesus that they cannot stop sharing the gospel with others, sparking a desire for salvation in those who hear. The sermon concludes with an invitation for skeptics to consider accepting Jesus as their Savior.

Discussion Questions 💬

How did Peter and John respond when their faith in Jesus met opposition?  

  • In Acts chapter four, Peter and John faced opposition after healing a disabled man but kept preaching the gospel boldly.

  • Can you think of a time when you faced opposition for your faith? How did you respond?

What does the story of Rosa Parks teach us about standing up against injustice and opposition?  

  • Pastor Leonce compares Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat to Peter and John's courageous stand for their faith.

  • What is one way you can stand against injustice and opposition in your daily life?

How did the Holy Spirit empower Peter and John to speak boldly despite their lack of formal education?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor Leonce emphasizes that Peter and John were 'uneducated and untrained men' yet spoke with great boldness because of the Holy Spirit.

  • How has the Holy Spirit equipped and empowered you to be bold for your faith?

In what ways can others see that we have been with Jesus through our speech, conduct, and treatment of others?  

  • The sermon challenges us to reflect on whether our actions reflect our relationship with Jesus, just as Peter and John's boldness showed that they had been with Jesus.

  • What is one area where you can improve in showing your relationship with Jesus through your actions?

How can we follow the example of Peter and John and be 'unable to stop' proclaiming the gospel?   

  • The sermon encourages believers to be so in love with Jesus that they cannot stop talking about Him, using Peter and John's example in Acts 4.

  • Can you commit to praying for a specific person every day for 21 days, asking God to make you unable to stop talking about Jesus?

Prayer 🙏

  • Pray for strength and boldness to share the good news of Jesus, just like Peter and John.

  • Ask for courage to stand firm in faith when facing opposition.

  • Pray for opportunities to witness and share personal testimonies.

Rewatch the sermon 📼


Pray for Boldness


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