Pray for Boldness

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor Léonce B. Crump Jr.'s sermon "Pray for Boldness" from the series “The Jesus Revolution” explores the theme of boldness in the early church, drawing parallels to the Azusa Street Revival. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit and unity within the church. The sermon highlights the boldness of Peter and John, encouraging believers to pray for empowerment and live out their faith boldly in today's world. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the impact of bold faith on individuals and the world.

Discussion Questions 💬

What is the significance of praying for boldness in our faith?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor Leonce discusses Peter and John praying for boldness instead of rescue from persecution, allowing them to proclaim their faith in Jesus fearlessly.

  • How can we incorporate praying for boldness in our own lives, and in what areas do we need the Holy Spirit's guidance?

How did Peter and John demonstrate boldness in the face of persecution?  

  • Pastor Leonce highlights how Peter and John continued to proclaim Jesus' resurrection despite facing imprisonment and threats.

  • How can we trust God to give us the required boldness when we face challenges or opposition in our faith journey?

What role does being filled with the Holy Spirit have on our faith, as discussed in Acts chapter four?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor Leonce points out that being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers us and gives us boldness to live out our faith.

  • What changes have you noticed in your own life or others' lives after being filled with the Holy Spirit?

Why is unity within the church essential for receiving God's power?  

  • Pastor Leonce emphasizes the importance of a unified church and its positive effect on receiving the Holy Spirit's power.

  • What are some tangible ways we can promote unity in our church or small groups?

How does the empowering of the Holy Spirit impact our daily lives and the Church's role as a hope for the world?   

  • The sermon concludes by stressing the importance of believers being empowered by the Holy Spirit as a way to bring hope to the world.

  • How can we be more intentional in seeking the Holy Spirit's empowerment and using it to share the hope of Jesus with others?

Prayer 🙏

  • Ask God to help us be bold in our faith and witness.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us afresh and empower us.

  • Request specific prayer needs from group members.

  • Ask for courage to face challenging situations with faith.

Rewatch the sermon 📼


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