Life After Life After Death


The sermon provides a refreshing perspective on the true hope of Christianity, which extends beyond simply going to heaven when we die. It emphasizes the concept of life after life after death, highlighting the resurrection of Jesus as the pivotal event that serves as both the means and the pattern for our future resurrection. The sermon explores the vision in Revelation 21 of a new universe where the fundamental cosmic structure is transformed, and the new earth and heaven are characterized by permanence and eternality. It emphasizes the restoration of our bodies, free from sin and imperfections, and encourages us to live in the context of eternity, participating in the renewal of creation. The sermon also challenges us to share this true hope with others, communicating the fullness and richness of our future existence, and pointing to the ultimate hope found in Jesus.


5 Day Deep Dive


Day 1: The Resurrection

Reflect on the importance of the resurrection of Jesus as the most critical event in human history. Consider how his resurrection serves as both the means and the pattern for our future resurrection. What does it mean for our future bodies to be real and physical? How does the resurrection give us hope and assurance in the face of physical limitations in this life?

Day 2: The New Universe

Dive deeper into Revelation 21 and explore the glimpses of God's plan for the entire created world. Reflect on the transformation of the fundamental cosmic structure and the qualities of permanence and eternality in the new earth and heaven. Consider the significance of the restoration of the sea and the absence of night. How does the vision of the new universe impact your understanding of God's renewal and restoration of all things?

Day 3: Our New Bodies

Take time to ponder the concept of our future resurrected bodies. Reflect on the idea that our bodies will be completely restored to their original design and purpose, free from sin and imperfections. Contemplate the hope that this gives to those with physical disabilities or illnesses, as expressed by Joni Eareckson Tada. How does the promise of new bodies impact your understanding of the value and purpose of our physical selves?

Day 4: Living in the Context of Eternity

Consider the implications of the sermon's emphasis on living in the context of eternity. Reflect on the idea that the true hope of Christianity is not solely focused on our personal afterlife, but on participating in the renewal of creation in this world. How does this perspective shift your understanding of your purpose and calling as a follower of Jesus? In what ways can you intentionally live in a way that reflects eternity?

Day 5: Sharing the True Hope

Reflect on the challenge presented in the sermon to share the true hope of eternity with those who are seeking, doubting, or unsure about Jesus. Consider the importance of communicating the fullness and richness of our future existence, rather than merely focusing on an escape to heaven. How can you effectively share this true hope with others? Pray for the guidance and opportunity to effectively communicate the hope found in Jesus.

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Surprised By Hope

Surprised By Hope - N.T. Wright

For a deeper dive into the concepts of Heaven, the afterlife, resurrection, and more, we recommend Bishop N.T. Wright’s book Surprised By Hope.

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