What Is Heaven?
Doug Nelms Doug Nelms

What Is Heaven?

Pastor Léonce B. Crump Jr.'s sermon "Why Did Jesus Have To Die?" from the series "Surprised By Hope" delves into the importance of Jesus' resurrection, challenging the fear of death and offering hope in life after death. Through biblical references and personal anecdotes, he reinforces the victory over death brought by Jesus' resurrection and the promise of a restored world free from suffering. The sermon urges belief in the reliability of the Bible, emphasizes the transformative power of the resurrection, and extends an invitation to invite Jesus into one's life for a deeper exploration of life beyond death.

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What Happens When We Die?
Doug Nelms Doug Nelms

What Happens When We Die?

Pastor Léonce B. Crump Jr.'s sermon "Why Did Jesus Have To Die?" from the series "Surprised By Hope" delves into the importance of Jesus' resurrection, challenging the fear of death and offering hope in life after death. Through biblical references and personal anecdotes, he reinforces the victory over death brought by Jesus' resurrection and the promise of a restored world free from suffering. The sermon urges belief in the reliability of the Bible, emphasizes the transformative power of the resurrection, and extends an invitation to invite Jesus into one's life for a deeper exploration of life beyond death.

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Is Death The End?
Doug Nelms Doug Nelms

Is Death The End?

Pastor Léonce B. Crump Jr.'s sermon "Why Did Jesus Have To Die?" from the series "Surprised By Hope" delves into the importance of Jesus' resurrection, challenging the fear of death and offering hope in life after death. Through biblical references and personal anecdotes, he reinforces the victory over death brought by Jesus' resurrection and the promise of a restored world free from suffering. The sermon urges belief in the reliability of the Bible, emphasizes the transformative power of the resurrection, and extends an invitation to invite Jesus into one's life for a deeper exploration of life beyond death.

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