All Things in Common

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor Léonce B. Crump Jr.'s sermon "All Things in Common" from the series “The Jesus Revolution” focuses on the early Church's unity and radical generosity in response to Jesus' teachings. He emphasizes the importance of community through small groups and prayer gatherings to care for one another. By delving into Acts 4, Pastor Leonce challenges the congregation to break free from materialism and embrace a lifestyle of sharing and giving to meet the needs of others. He extends an invitation to believe in Jesus and experience transformation through radical generosity, fostering a vision of a transformative church impacting the city through selfless living.

Discussion Questions 💬

What does it mean to become a 'soul of blessing' and how can we achieve that?

  • Pastor Leonce challenges the congregation to consider the needs of others and become a soul of blessing by practicing generosity and sharing.

  • What opportunities do you have in your current environment to be a blessing to others?

How can we emulate the early church's radical generosity and sharing in our modern-day lives?

  • Pastor Leonce talks about the early believers in Acts 4:32-37, who had everything in common and were generous in sharing their possessions.

  • What specific actions or steps can you take to practice generosity and sharing in your daily life?

What are some ways we can overcome the culture of materialism and focus on loving and serving others instead?

  • Pastor Leonce mentioned that our culture teaches us to focus on acquiring and keeping possessions, which goes against the teachings of Jesus.

  • Can you identify any personal habits or thoughts rooted in materialism, and how can you intentionally work on changing them?

Why is the belief in the resurrection of Jesus so significant in the Christian faith?  

  • In the sermon, Pastor Leonce emphasizes the importance of the resurrection as it was the pivotal event that changed everything and catalyzed the Jesus Revolution.

  • How does your belief in the resurrection impact your life and actions?

How can deepening our relationship with Jesus lead to a transformation in our generosity and willingness to share?

  • Pastor Leonce encourages the congregation to deepen their relationship with Jesus to experience a transformation of self and develop a desire to share possessions and love freely.

  • What are some practices or habits you can incorporate in your life to grow closer to Jesus and allow that relationship to influence your generosity?

Prayer 🙏

  • Ask God to help us deepen our relationship with Jesus and transform our hearts.

  • Pray for the grace to move from a mindset of keeping to sharing, both our persons and possessions.

  • Seek boldness to live out radical generosity in our daily lives.

Rewatch the sermon 📼


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