The Vow of Partnership Devotional

5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from Sunday, March 2nd. We will explore the theme of partnership in marriage and how a covenant relationship differs fundamentally from a contractual one, examining the scriptural basis for love and commitment.

Day 1

Scripture: Matthew 19:3-9

The covenant of marriage is a profound commitment that transcends mere feelings and societal expectations. As we delve into the scriptural foundations laid out in Matthew, we see Jesus emphasizing that marriage is designed to be a lifelong bond, rooted in a covenant rather than a contract. This perspective challenges the cultural narrative that views marriage as disposable or conditional based on emotional fulfillment.

  • What does it mean for you to view your marriage (or future marriage) as a covenant?

  • How can you practice commitment daily in your relationship?

  • What challenges hinder your ability to honor your vows fully?

Pray for a renewed perspective on your relationship. Ask God to strengthen your commitment to your spouse and help you act on your vows.

Day 2

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:5

Marriage calls for a commitment to serve one another fully, emphasizing partnership as we navigate life's challenges together. As Paul writes in Corinthians, our bodies are not our own; they belong to our spouses. This profound truth calls for a radical shift in perspective, where we prioritize our partner's needs alongside our own. In this light, partnership transcends mere preference and becomes a duty we owe to the one we love.

This day, reflect on how you treat your spouse—does your behavior reflect that they are a priority in your life? The practical application of partnership requires effort, understanding, and a willingness to sacrifice our own desires for the welfare of one another. By doing so, we embody the love and respect that God intended for marriage, ultimately leading to a richer, more fulfilling relationship.

  • In what ways have you prioritized your spouse's needs over your own recently?

  • How can you better support your spouse in their endeavors?

  • What steps can you take to demonstrate partnership in your daily routine?

Pray for a heart that seeks to serve your spouse selflessly. Ask God to reveal areas in your relationship where you can grow and support one another.

Day 3

Scripture: Ephesians 5:28-30

The Scriptures make it clear that a loving marriage requires us to cherish and nurture our partners. In Ephesians, we see that we are to love our spouses as our own bodies, which calls for an acknowledgment of their value and significance in our lives. This principle encourages us to not only care for our own needs but to work towards our partner's emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being.

  • How do you currently show love and care for your spouse?

  • What areas need more attention and nurturing in your relationship?

  • How can you foster a greater sense of closeness and intimacy with each other?

Pray for guidance on how to care for your spouse better. Ask God to deepen your understanding and appreciation for your partner.

Day 4

Scripture: Genesis 2:24

The very foundation of marriage is rooted in the creation story, where God instituted the union of a husband and wife. The calling to leave and cleave demonstrates the importance of prioritizing this union above all other earthly relationships. As we engage with this truth, understanding the significance of that commitment becomes crucial in nurturing a successful marriage.

Our commitment fosters authenticity and unity, allowing us to build a life together that honors God and each other. When we commit to this foundational truth, we are equipped to withstand the trials and tribulations that may arise. Today's focus should be on deeply caring for the bond you share, committing to prioritize your spouse as you together launch into life’s journey.

  • What does “leaving and cleaving” mean for your relationship?

  • How can you prioritize and protect your marriage in practical ways?

  • What potential distractions do you need to abandon to commit fully to your spouse?

Pray for clarity on how to honor your spouse in your commitments. Ask the Lord to help you address distractions that pull you away from your marriage.

Day 5

Scripture: Romans 12:2

As we conclude our devotional journey, we are reminded to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The cultural notions surrounding marriage frequently cloud our understanding of its sacred nature. It is essential to commit to a biblical view of love, focusing on the covenantal approach that leads to deeper intimacy and connection.

Transformation is an ongoing process and requires intentional effort. As we align our thoughts and actions with God's design for marriage, we will find ourselves better equipped to foster a thriving partnership. Cultivating a mindset of commitment and covenant, rather than convenience and contract, will ultimately bear fruit in our relationships, reflecting God's love in a powerful way.

  • What cultural beliefs about marriage do you need to let go of?

  • How can you actively seek renewal in your mind regarding your relationship?

  • What are you looking forward to as you continue to grow together in your partnership?

Pray for transformation in your thinking and actions regarding marriage. Ask God for strength to commit to a covenant mindset moving forward.

Rewatch the Sermon


The Vow of Purity Devotional


The Vow of Pursuit Devotional