The Vow of Purity Devotional

5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from Sunday, March 9. We will explore the theme of purity, looking at how intentional purity in both thought and action is essential for nurturing strong, lasting relationships.

Day 1

Scripture: Matthew 5:27-30

The journey towards marital purity begins in the heart, shaping our actions and decisions long before they manifest in any visible way. In this devotional, we explore the subtlety of temptation and the importance of recognizing those early warning signs. Just as the sermon emphasized, no one wakes up intending to destroy their marriage; instead, it’s the small, seemingly harmless choices we make that gradually shift us away from intimacy with our spouse. Being aware of those choices enables us to take proactive steps to protect our relationships.

  • What are some small compromises in your life that could lead to bigger issues?

  • How can you cultivate greater intimacy and transparency with your spouse?

  • What steps can you take to guard your heart against temptation?

Pray for the strength to stay awake to the signs of temptation in your life. Ask God to help you and your spouse communicate openly about any struggles.

Day 2

Scripture: Ephesians 5:8-14

Living in transparency is crucial for maintaining purity in marriage. As we reflect on this day’s scripture and message, we are reminded that darkness cannot coexist with light. The sermon addressed the dangers of secrecy—where secrecy lives, intimacy dies. This idea challenges us to bring our struggles into the light and to foster an environment where honesty thrives, allowing God to heal and restore.

  • In what areas of your life are you hiding or feeling shame?

  • Who can you trust to share your struggles with?

  • How can you ensure you are living in the light in your relationships?

Pray for courage to live openly and honestly in your marriage. Ask God to illuminate areas of your heart that need healing and repentance.

Day 3

Scripture: James 4:7-8

As we continue to deepen our understanding of the vow of purity, today’s scripture emphasizes the need for action in our lives. It is not enough to merely understand God’s call for purity; we must also be committed to taking steps to resist temptation and draw near to Him. The commitment to purity is an act of the will, fueled by our desire to honor God and our spouses.

  • What specific traps do you find yourself in that lead to impure thoughts?

  • How can you intentionally change your environment to support your commitment to purity?

  • What steps can you take today to draw closer to God?

Pray for the wisdom to recognize and avoid temptation in your everyday life. Ask God to help you establish new, healthy habits that reflect your commitment to purity.

Day 4

Scripture: Philippians 4:8

The battle for purity is deeply rooted in our thought lives. As we explore today’s scripture, we are called to evaluate what occupies our thoughts and entertain our hearts. Just as the sermon pointed out, the path to emotional or spiritual unfaithfulness often begins long before any physical act. Choosing to think about what is excellent and praiseworthy allows us to align our minds and hearts with God’s truth and purpose for our lives.

  • What thoughts are occupying your mind that could lead to impurity?

  • What positive influences (books, music, people) can you incorporate into your life?

  • How can you focus on God’s truth when feeling tempted?

Pray for clarity to filter your thoughts through God’s truth. Ask God to help redirect your focus to what is pure and lovely.

Day 5

Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

In our final devotional, we are reminded of the call to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This encapsulates the essence of purity—not just abstaining from sin, but actively offering our lives to God as a reflection of our commitment to Him. The realization that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit reinforces the importance of maintaining purity in all aspects of our lives, including our thoughts, actions, and relationships.What cultural beliefs about marriage do you need to let go of?

  • How can you actively honor God with your body in daily life?

  • What commitments can you make to maintain purity in your thoughts and actions?

  • How does your mindset need to shift to better reflect your commitment to God?

Pray for a renewed mindset that focuses on God’s purpose for your life. Ask God to help you walk in purity and integrity throughout your days.


If you or someone you know is having marriage struggles or battling sexual addiction, there is hope. Our church partners with Cumberland Counseling Centers to offer Christ-centered support for couples facing challenges and individuals struggling with sexual addiction. Hope and healing is possible. Visit our Cumberland Counseling Centers page to learn more.


The Vow of Partnership Devotional